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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Oppresion of the disabled people

People with disabilities have been objects of shame, fear, pity, or ridicule. Before, it was legal for state governments to sterilize disabled persons without them wanting to, other laws prohibited them from marrying, or even from appearing in public. Ignorant People, but especially the government, had mistreated these people emotionally and phisically very badly. They used to see them as if they were supernatural things, and felt shamefull of being associated with a "freak", these events still happen but hopefully not as much as before.

People with disabilities are constantly mistreated for the simple reason of being somewhat different form everybody else. Social prejudice kept disabled children out of the public schools, and sanctioned discrimination against disabled adults in employment, housing, and public accommodations.  They suffer from economic deprivation and social disadvantages, also they live with the label of being different. Many of the traditional organizations for the disabled had advised the government that discrimination was not a problem for disabled people and that legislation of laws protecting them was unnecessary.  Everyday disabled people are denied so many things, they don't get the propper attention, medication and time they need. For the goverment they are a burden and for their families, an obstacle  of wich they want to get rid of.
Until the 1950s children with disabilities were hidden away or put into institutions. This was better than the previous century when they were put into prisons/poorhouses with common criminals.

"In all societies of the world there are still obstacles preventing persons with disabilities from exercising their rights and freedoms and making it difficult for them to participate fully in the activities of their societies. It is the responsibility of states to take appropriate action to remove such obstacles" (Key resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, 1946-1996). Human Rights are fundamental, they are made to be followed whether we like them or not, but as you can see they are constantly violated. We will never have equality, dignity and freedom if we continue violating them.   Disabled people are denied their human rights, this is because people are too blind and eager to accept that we are all equal, that we all have rights and for that major reason everyone should be treated fairly and deserve to have dignity and respect.


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