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Monday, April 4, 2011

History of the Persons with Dissabilities

People had struggled for centuries to gain rights, the disabled people are not the exception but a great example of discrimination, exclusion and segregation. A disability is a  physical, mental, or sensory impairment, that limits the capacity to perform one or more essential activities of daily life Many people in the United States and worldwide are born with disabilities. They are mistreated and excluded from doing many activities, they encounter with many handicaps throughout their lives, but thanks to Civil Rights organizations, they are now seen as part of our community, not and exclusion.

In the United States, the disability rights movement began in the 1960s,Civil rights organizations believe that everyone should be treated equal regardless of race, sex or physical ability. These organizations are firm about their cause and may go to extreme measures to make their message heard. Due to the Civil Rights Movement, many organizations were formed to help people on rights issues. There are many organizations that defend the rights of the disabled people.The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) was formed in 1995, and have been a group since then.  It is the largest organization in the United States that addresses issues relating to the rights of disabled persons.  The Disability Rights and Education Fund, founded in 1979 by people with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities, the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Inc. (DREDF) is a national law and policy center dedicated to protecting and advancing the civil rights of people with disabilities through legislation, litigation, advocacy, technical assistance, and education and training of attorneys, advocates, persons with disabilities, and parents of children with disabilities. There are also Independent Living Center whichare typically non-residential, private, non-profit, consumer-controlled, community-based organizations providing services and advocacy for persons with all types of disabilities.  Their goal is to assist individuals with disabilities to achieve their maximum potential within their families and communities. They work to assure physical and programmatic access to housing, employment, transportation, communities, recreational facilities, and health and social services.

In most countries, one out of ten persons has a disability. Estimations say that there are 500 million of persons with disabilities, a number which is increasing due to many factors, such as: war and destruction, unhealthy living conditions, or the absence of knowledge about disability. According to the US Disabiity Estimates of 2004 there is an estimation of 58, 731,081 of people with dissabilities. The majority of the people that have disabilities live in less developed countries where people lack access to essential services. Although, it may sound mean, poverty can also be associated with disabilities.

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