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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Classmates Essays.

Stephanie Ruiz: 

From Stephanie's blog I learned that the White Americans promised  the Indians help on education, medicine, money and on trade, but they never did, since they always tricked the Indians. She talked about how Siting Bull was honored by his tribe and that he is still respected. We both have the same idea, that most of ths as for the government's fault.


Carlo's blog said that some Indians went to Canada trying to escape the whites persecution. He stated that the natives can improve their today's living style but not alone and I do support him. Also, that native americans were seen as conflictive and aggressive, but that they really were civil and usually acted peacefully. He was always defending the natives, which was really nice.


Paulette's blog talked about mostly about pride and dignity. She said natives lost their pride, self respect and individual identity as they became assimilated. Also that the whites were very immoral and disrespectful towards the natives because they did many bad things to them just to have control.

Hector Porrata-Doria: 

Hector talked about how the natives suffered the things whites did to them, especially having to leave their lands to go to reservations even though they didn't want to. He also says that the whites were too abusive with the natives. He explained the Wounded Knee Massacre which was in December 29, 1890, in Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, where many people died.


Natassia's blog explains how the natives lands were taken away from them. I learned that many people died trying to protect their culture and the way that they lived. Also, that the whites killed many natives as they found no other way to take their lands away.

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