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Sunday, April 17, 2011

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." (Article 1- Human Rights)

 Article # 1 of the United Nation's Human Rights states for equalty, but it is more than obvious that people with diabilities will not be assimilated into their societies through the goodwill of the powerful. Disabled people will change society through their increased participation, their skills, experience and insights. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 restructured the attitudes of business, government, and society and expanded opportunities for all Americans, but people with disabilities were left outside.

I beleive people with disabilities should have a say and the oportunity to choose. Prejudice and injustice have been the main problems this group have had to confront in their daily lives. Don't you think it is enough? Just imagine yourselves in their situation, how would you feel if you were denied to attend school or to use the public transportation just becuase you are different?... Something must be done about this major issue, and I have the perfect resolution.

I propose the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA),originally written by Alice Paul. In the past its ratification was neglected, but with your vote my fellow Congress members we can mark history, we can certainly make a change, the change that we have all waited for so long!  The Equal Rights Amendment will eliminate all barriers that people like the disabled face day by day.  It will  it guarantee equal opportunity for individuals in dealings with public and private sector employment, accommodations, transportation, telecommunications, and state and local government services. With the ERA we can stop the abuse and act towards the rights that we all have according to the law and that we all deserve. If you're lloking for a better life free of discrimination and unequal treatment, vote and aprove the Equal Rights Amendment and get ready for the change that will mark this era. With the Equal Rights Amendment everyone will count and we will all have the treatment and benefits that we have always wanted.

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