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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Making the CHANGE!


Disability rights for disabled people have greatly increased over the last few years when the Disability Discrimination Act came into force in 1995, as it aimed to put an end to the discrimination that disabled people faced everyday. Many changes have been made regarding te rights of people with disabilities. Americans with disabilities have been one of the most disciminated groups. Although groups and individuals have advocated for an end to this oppression, cross-disability rights activism did not begin until the late 1960s.

Many movements and acts were made enabling people with disabilities to have a better and easier life. The independent living movement has been an important part of the movement for disability rights, allowing an individual to manage his or her personal care, to keep a home, have a job, attend school and to participate in the life of the community. There are also many other acts securing for disabled Americans  access to their civil rights, and to the society around  them, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1975, and most importantly the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, are some of them. The A.D.A. Act has been the most effective one, by stating that people with disabilites had to have the same oportunities as everyone else. It unlawful for the people with disabilities to be discriminated against in the areas of: employment , access to goods, facilities and services ,management, buying or renting of land or property . The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act of 2001, makes it unlawful for providers of education and related services to discriminate against disabled people.

We could say that the disability rights and independent living movements have transformed American society. I think it is great the fact that so many acts had been passed regarding these group, because I think they really deserve it. Also it is very important to promote equal opportunities and to assist and give advice on how to treat disabled people because they were really mistreated in the past and it is important not to repeat such barbarity. Many changes have been made but there are many other that need to be improved to further improve the quality of their life.


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