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Monday, February 21, 2011

My Classmates Blogs

Stephanie Ruiz:  ----->  http://www.tefiruiz01.blogspot.com/

I like the way she thinks on the immigration issue because we kind of have the same beliefs of this matter! Immigrants are treated unfairly and something must be done. I really like how she says that immigrants are equal because she is defending their rights and speaking for them that WE ARE ALL EQUAL. ;)


Nelsharry Baerga -----> http://sharryknowsit.blogspot.com/

I support Nelsharrys point on saying NO ONE IS ILEGAL! For many people it may seem controversial, but for me it is very clever and most importantly, the truth! I like how she supports immigration and that she is pro-immigration. It really show me that she is a very caring person, and I really like how she expresses the way she feels when she sees how immigrants are mistreated 


Hector Porrata-Doria  -----> http://sayhellogoodbyeoutloud.blogspot.com/

Hector's family story is very fancy and interesting. I have always liked his last name Porrata-Doria and now I like it more because of its story. I disagree with Hector on saying that it is right that immigrants in Arizona are being deported, I think immigration is a very serious matter and by him saying that people should be deported but that their situation makes him sad makes no sense! But I liked the fact that somehow he feels sorry for them!


Stephanie Rivera    -----> http://www.ssrivera.blogspot.com/

The thing that I liked the most of Stephanie's blog was her family story. It is a really nice story how her grandparents met.  On the immigration issue I liked the fact that she sees it as a risk but that if it was necessary for the good of her family she would do it, that shows the caring person she is! We both kind of have the same idea about immigration: It is dangerous, but at the end it will worth it ;)

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