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Sunday, April 17, 2011

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." (Article 1- Human Rights)

 Article # 1 of the United Nation's Human Rights states for equalty, but it is more than obvious that people with diabilities will not be assimilated into their societies through the goodwill of the powerful. Disabled people will change society through their increased participation, their skills, experience and insights. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 restructured the attitudes of business, government, and society and expanded opportunities for all Americans, but people with disabilities were left outside.

I beleive people with disabilities should have a say and the oportunity to choose. Prejudice and injustice have been the main problems this group have had to confront in their daily lives. Don't you think it is enough? Just imagine yourselves in their situation, how would you feel if you were denied to attend school or to use the public transportation just becuase you are different?... Something must be done about this major issue, and I have the perfect resolution.

I propose the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA),originally written by Alice Paul. In the past its ratification was neglected, but with your vote my fellow Congress members we can mark history, we can certainly make a change, the change that we have all waited for so long!  The Equal Rights Amendment will eliminate all barriers that people like the disabled face day by day.  It will  it guarantee equal opportunity for individuals in dealings with public and private sector employment, accommodations, transportation, telecommunications, and state and local government services. With the ERA we can stop the abuse and act towards the rights that we all have according to the law and that we all deserve. If you're lloking for a better life free of discrimination and unequal treatment, vote and aprove the Equal Rights Amendment and get ready for the change that will mark this era. With the Equal Rights Amendment everyone will count and we will all have the treatment and benefits that we have always wanted.

Making the CHANGE!


Disability rights for disabled people have greatly increased over the last few years when the Disability Discrimination Act came into force in 1995, as it aimed to put an end to the discrimination that disabled people faced everyday. Many changes have been made regarding te rights of people with disabilities. Americans with disabilities have been one of the most disciminated groups. Although groups and individuals have advocated for an end to this oppression, cross-disability rights activism did not begin until the late 1960s.

Many movements and acts were made enabling people with disabilities to have a better and easier life. The independent living movement has been an important part of the movement for disability rights, allowing an individual to manage his or her personal care, to keep a home, have a job, attend school and to participate in the life of the community. There are also many other acts securing for disabled Americans  access to their civil rights, and to the society around  them, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1975, and most importantly the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, are some of them. The A.D.A. Act has been the most effective one, by stating that people with disabilites had to have the same oportunities as everyone else. It unlawful for the people with disabilities to be discriminated against in the areas of: employment , access to goods, facilities and services ,management, buying or renting of land or property . The Special Educational Needs and Disability Act of 2001, makes it unlawful for providers of education and related services to discriminate against disabled people.

We could say that the disability rights and independent living movements have transformed American society. I think it is great the fact that so many acts had been passed regarding these group, because I think they really deserve it. Also it is very important to promote equal opportunities and to assist and give advice on how to treat disabled people because they were really mistreated in the past and it is important not to repeat such barbarity. Many changes have been made but there are many other that need to be improved to further improve the quality of their life.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Disabled People Fight Back

Disabled people have always being categorized as "special" and "different". They are constanly marginalized  and segregated against, and even though discimination for the disabled is against the law it still happens. People with disabilities and their supporters have fought very hard to make their voices heard and stop the mistreatment. They encounter with so many obstacles everyday, and even though they have fought a lot, very little progress has been made throughout the world, especially in the least developed countries.

People with disabilities require certain accomodations and the benefit to not wait in lines, or whatsoever. It has not been an easy path but thanks to all the voluntary support of so many generous people that have struggled for the rights of these people, today they receive a lot of benefits and the right attention they need. Throughout history, many organizations and groups have united to fight back for the rights of the disabled. In 1983 the ADAPT (American Disabled for Accessible Public Transit ) made a move that changed history forever,thanks to them today people have the access to wheelchairs that are installed on the city buses. Today ADAPT is a national grassroots movement with chapters in thirty states.There's also the Disabled In Action (DIA), founded in 1970 by Judith E. Heumann and several other disabled people which is a civil rights organization, committed to ending discrimination against people with disabilities through litigation and demonstrations.

The methods that the disabled people's organizations and groups have used are mostly protests and peaceful demosntrations. This shows the extraordinary, nice and beutiful persons they are. The organizations have only one goal: fight to eliminate the barriers that prevent people with disabilities from enjoying full equality in  the American society. They have struggled a lot to be where they are today but thanks to that today people with disabilities are granted many rights.

Rights of the People with Disabilities
1. The term "disabled person" means any person unable to ensure by himself or herself, wholly or partly, the necessities of a normal individual and/or social life, as a result of deficiency, either congenital or not, in his or her physical or mental capabilities.

2. Disabled persons shall enjoy all the rights set forth in this Declaration. These rights shall be granted to all disabled persons without any exception whatsoever and without distinction or discrimination on the basis of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, national or social origin, state of wealth, birth or any other situation applying either to the disabled person himself or herself or to his or her family.

3. Disabled persons have the inherent right to respect for their human dignity. Disabled persons, whatever the origin, nature and seriousness of their handicaps and disabilities, have the same fundamental rights as their fellow-citizens of the same age, which implies first and foremost the right to enjoy a decent life, as normal and full as possible.

4. Disabled persons have the same civil and political rights as other human beings; paragraph 7 of the Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons applies to any possible limitation or suppression of those rights for mentally disabled persons.

5. Disabled persons are entitled to the measures designed to enable them to become as self-reliant as possible.

6. Disabled persons have the right to medical, psychological and functional treatment, including prosthetic and orthetic appliances, to medical and social rehabilitation, education, vocational training and rehabilitation, aid, counselling, placement services and other services which will enable them to develop their capabilities and skills to the maximum and will hasten the processes of their social integration or reintegration.

7. Disabled persons have the right to economic and social security and to a decent level of living. They have the right, according to their capabilities, to secure and retain employment or to engage in a useful, productive and remunerative occupation and to join trade unions.

8. Disabled persons are entitled to have their special needs taken into consideration at all stages of economic and social planning.

9. Disabled persons have the right to live with their families or with foster parents and to participate in all social, creative or recreational activities. No disabled person shall be subjected, as far as his or her residence is concerned, to differential treatment other than that required by his or her condition or by the improvement which he or she may derive therefrom. If the stay of a disabled person in a specialized establishment is indispensable, the environment and living conditions therein shall be as close as possible to those of the normal life of a person of his or her age.

10. Disabled persons shall be protected against all exploitation, all regulations and all treatment of a discriminatory, abusive or degrading nature.

11. Disabled persons shall be able to avail themselves of qualified legal aid when such aid proves indispensable for the protection of their persons and property. If judicial proceedings are instituted against them, the legal procedure applied shall take their physical and mental condition fully into account.

12. Organizations of disabled persons may be usefully consulted in all matters regarding the rights of disabled persons.

13. Disabled persons, their families and communities shall be fully informed, by all appropriate means, of the rights contained in this Declaration.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Oppresion of the disabled people

People with disabilities have been objects of shame, fear, pity, or ridicule. Before, it was legal for state governments to sterilize disabled persons without them wanting to, other laws prohibited them from marrying, or even from appearing in public. Ignorant People, but especially the government, had mistreated these people emotionally and phisically very badly. They used to see them as if they were supernatural things, and felt shamefull of being associated with a "freak", these events still happen but hopefully not as much as before.

People with disabilities are constantly mistreated for the simple reason of being somewhat different form everybody else. Social prejudice kept disabled children out of the public schools, and sanctioned discrimination against disabled adults in employment, housing, and public accommodations.  They suffer from economic deprivation and social disadvantages, also they live with the label of being different. Many of the traditional organizations for the disabled had advised the government that discrimination was not a problem for disabled people and that legislation of laws protecting them was unnecessary.  Everyday disabled people are denied so many things, they don't get the propper attention, medication and time they need. For the goverment they are a burden and for their families, an obstacle  of wich they want to get rid of.
Until the 1950s children with disabilities were hidden away or put into institutions. This was better than the previous century when they were put into prisons/poorhouses with common criminals.

"In all societies of the world there are still obstacles preventing persons with disabilities from exercising their rights and freedoms and making it difficult for them to participate fully in the activities of their societies. It is the responsibility of states to take appropriate action to remove such obstacles" (Key resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly, 1946-1996). Human Rights are fundamental, they are made to be followed whether we like them or not, but as you can see they are constantly violated. We will never have equality, dignity and freedom if we continue violating them.   Disabled people are denied their human rights, this is because people are too blind and eager to accept that we are all equal, that we all have rights and for that major reason everyone should be treated fairly and deserve to have dignity and respect.


Monday, April 4, 2011

History of the Persons with Dissabilities

People had struggled for centuries to gain rights, the disabled people are not the exception but a great example of discrimination, exclusion and segregation. A disability is a  physical, mental, or sensory impairment, that limits the capacity to perform one or more essential activities of daily life Many people in the United States and worldwide are born with disabilities. They are mistreated and excluded from doing many activities, they encounter with many handicaps throughout their lives, but thanks to Civil Rights organizations, they are now seen as part of our community, not and exclusion.

In the United States, the disability rights movement began in the 1960s,Civil rights organizations believe that everyone should be treated equal regardless of race, sex or physical ability. These organizations are firm about their cause and may go to extreme measures to make their message heard. Due to the Civil Rights Movement, many organizations were formed to help people on rights issues. There are many organizations that defend the rights of the disabled people.The American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) was formed in 1995, and have been a group since then.  It is the largest organization in the United States that addresses issues relating to the rights of disabled persons.  The Disability Rights and Education Fund, founded in 1979 by people with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities, the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Inc. (DREDF) is a national law and policy center dedicated to protecting and advancing the civil rights of people with disabilities through legislation, litigation, advocacy, technical assistance, and education and training of attorneys, advocates, persons with disabilities, and parents of children with disabilities. There are also Independent Living Center whichare typically non-residential, private, non-profit, consumer-controlled, community-based organizations providing services and advocacy for persons with all types of disabilities.  Their goal is to assist individuals with disabilities to achieve their maximum potential within their families and communities. They work to assure physical and programmatic access to housing, employment, transportation, communities, recreational facilities, and health and social services.

In most countries, one out of ten persons has a disability. Estimations say that there are 500 million of persons with disabilities, a number which is increasing due to many factors, such as: war and destruction, unhealthy living conditions, or the absence of knowledge about disability. According to the US Disabiity Estimates of 2004 there is an estimation of 58, 731,081 of people with dissabilities. The majority of the people that have disabilities live in less developed countries where people lack access to essential services. Although, it may sound mean, poverty can also be associated with disabilities.