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Monday, February 21, 2011

My life as a Japanese immigrant!

My name is Mizuki, I am a 16 years old Japanese immigrant girl.  Me and my family had  moved to the United States from Japan looking for a better and easy life. Things were going on pretty well  not exactly as we imagined it, but at least it was a lot better than living back in Japan. We had a home and food. Me and my brother were attending school and  father had a good job.  Living in the United States was great. We were having the life we had always dreamed of, but things were about to change.

My dad has always been a person who fights for getting what he wants, the one who stands for his family sustaining all their necessities, but most of all a persevering man. For me, he is my example to follow. Being in the United States wasn't easy for him. He worked for many hours, every single day, but at least he was well paid. He worked very hard, he was so good at his job that he was now receiving a better payment than many Americans. His ability to succeed was seen as a menace for his co-workers and their hatred towards him grew stronger after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. He was fired and accused of treason. He was sent to jail and he is currently in it. 

Our life has changed from a dream to a nightmare. It sounds cruel and dramatic, but it is the truth. I felt so blessed and thankful when I came to America, because I thought that our suffering was over, but it was just the beginning of our tragedy. I feel like living in hell. My dad was thinking on saving some money and going back to Japan, but who would imagine that this could happen? That a thing like this would happen to us? I just live with the hope that someday things will be better just as they were when we arrived here!  I have never quit on dreaming, because even though we are now passing through a very hard situation, my prayers were once heard and fulfilled.

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